Golden Int'l Dance Academy - Children Already Paid Student - Study Online

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Children Already Paid Student Card to Participate In

Already paid student card to participate in the Golden Int'l Children Playground download project of  steps as follows:

Easy to download: the way is very simple, can be on a cell-phone, can be on a tablet, or can be on a laptop, can be also  on desktop computers. Golden Int'l recommend  for children, have not dance foundation or have dance foundation and want to learn from professional dance academy.

1. Visit Golden Int'l Children Playground ,  website: input the already paid  student number and password;

1) don't need to register;
2) read Golden Int'l online terms of service;
3) complaints and report failure: E-mail, please provide the already paid student card number, name, we will reply before 72 hours of normal work  time, and help till solve;

2. Click on the video teaching to the video download page, choose the teaching video, began to participate in the Golden Int'l Children Playground video download.  To charge tuition professional teaching video download page, according to your device, select  teaching video download:

3. Noticed when professional teaching video download:

3 - 1. Please based on what you are currently using a computer or tablet models, choose what is best for you to use a computer or tablet models after download format, and then to charge tuition teaching video download;

3 - 2. When you choose to download the format and click, please go to the professional teaching video download page, and click on the download immediately, there is you sure you want to download the video? , when you choose to click on "ok", the system will start to download, and deducted a class from your account;


4. Note: when you need to leave Golden Int'l Children Playground  site, be sure to click "exit" button, to ensure that really left, you can select "exit" or in the following page in the already open the page, click "exit" button to exit, otherwise, will form your account is still being used, or when you leave you are using a computer or tablet, others can still use your account, you can't normal login with your student number and password Golden Int'l Children Playground websites , or your account has been stolen;


5. When have paid download course finished, you can continue to attend charge tuition teaching video download, steps are as follows:

5-1. please click the recharge button upper right corner: 

6. Reach to the Golden Int'l Children Playground  Recharge Center, input your  student card number (User Name), read carefully, choose tuition item, top-up amount, click the "submit " button.


7. Payment platform in Golden Int'l students page, enter the payment amount, choose bank, click on the "immediately" button:

Note: the input pays amount should be carried out in accordance with the project in the tuition amount, pay attention cannot under minimum amount tuition.

8. When Golden Int'l students tuition payment platform to pay after the success, remember your paid no, for future proof for a query, click on the video download button again, continue to participate in professional teaching video download, the step will be as same above steps.

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