Apply - Film Academy - Golden Int'l Education League

Sunday,  February 9, 2025
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League Apply

Application Affiliate Golden Int'l Education League Procedure:

Golden Int'l Education League application to join cooperation procedures are as follows:

1. Please fill in Golden Int'l Education League the  franchisees business application form;

2. Golden Int'l will contact with the applicant, discuss related  specific matters;

3. Golden Int'l will review of the application franchisees's conditions;

4. Golden Int'l will sign a cooperation agreement with the franchisees, if condition is match;

5. Franchisees pay the initial fee, margin;

6. Golden Int'l Education League will provide special training for franchisees;

7. Golden Int'l guide franchisees to choose to join the teaching facilities and venues;
8. Golden Int'l guide franchisees to arrange teaching programs;
9. Golden Int'l guide franchisees recruit students;

Welcome to join Golden Int'l education cooperation, please learn more information,  specific conditions for cooperation, careful consideration, and then with the Golden Int'l Education League Contact:


Contact E-mail:;